Photo credit: Nicee Martin Photo & Design

IFF’s Home First Honored by Cook County Land Bank Authority as Nonprofit Developer of the Year February 28, 2024

Home First was recognized recently as the Nonprofit Developer of the Year by the Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) for its latest completed project, Access Health and Housing. Located in Maywood, IL, a western suburb of Chicago, the project created 20 new units of accessible, scattered-site supportive housing for residents transitioning out of nursing homes. Access Health and Housing has established a new model for Home First developments by deeply integrating community-based health services with the housing itself through a partnership with Trinity Health. Learn more about the project by reading our story featured in the sidebar.

The award was presented to Dena Bell, managing director of Home First, at a recognition luncheon hosted by CCLBA, which reduces and returns vacant land and abandoned buildings back into reliable and sustainable community assets. Home First has collaborated frequently with the land bank to identify and secure underutilized properties for new Home First developments. CCLBA previously recognized Home First as its Nonprofit Developer of the Year in 2019.

Since its launch in 2011 as an in-house development group at IFF tasked with establishing new models of housing for people with disabilities while revitalizing vacant or underutilized properties, Home First has created more than 320 accessible, affordable homes in Illinois. These homes are helping to bridge a gap in the housing market and provide residents with disabilities with an opportunity to live independently outside of congregate settings like nursing homes, which is often the only viable option for those living with disabilities who do not have the income needed to secure accessible housing at market rates.

Scroll down to see several photos from the event, which was hosted by ABC 7 Chicago’s Val Warner and featured a keynote address by BOWA Construction CEO and Founder Nosa Ehimwenman.

Home First · Housing

Latest Home First Project Integrates Health and Housing for Residents with Disabilities

Access Health and Housing, which was completed in February 2024, created 20 new units of quality housing in Maywood, IL, for residents transitioning out of nursing homes. Through a partnership with Trinity Health, the project has established a new model for Home First developments by deeply integrating community-based health services with affordable, accessible housing.

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Home First Resident Spotlight · Housing

A Home of His Own – The Story of One Home First Resident

In 2018, Darnell Harris moved into a newly constructed apartment in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood developed by IFF’s Home First team. The apartment offered Harris the opportunity to live independently for the first time.

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Home First Resident Spotlight · Housing

Young, Self-Sufficient, and in a Nursing Home – The Story of One Home First Resident

After becoming suddenly ill, Thomas Benson descended into a coma caused by diabetes, a disease he didn’t know he had. Weeks later, he awoke to find his leg amputated and his life forever changed. Forced to live in a nursing home, Benson regained his independence after moving into an apartment developed by Home First in Chicago’s Buena Park neighborhood.

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Home First Resident Spotlight · Housing

Peaceful Block, Peaceful Home, Peaceful Soul: How One Home First Resident is Experiencing Life in Humboldt Park

Living in an accessible apartment developed by Home First, Stephany Pantoja found a sense of peace she didn’t have before moving into a home modified to meet her specific needs. By eliminating the challenges of living in a less accessible environment, Pantoja has been able to focus instead on pursuing her passion to help others.

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