Thank you for your partnership. December 22, 2020

As we approach the end of 2020, we are struck more than ever by one thing: the Power of Partnerships.

This year we partnered with fellow CDFIs to get capital into the hands of nonprofits.

We’ve worked with foundationsbanks, and impact investors to leverage emergency funds, modify existing programs for the greatest possible flexibility, and reach out to new communities in new ways.

And of course we’ve partnered with nonprofit leaders – the folks on the front lines of community response to this year’s challenges, from access to equitable health care and child care to food and housing security. Nonprofits’ ability to adapt to unparalleled public health and economic crises has shown the world just how resilient – and essential – they are to healthy, thriving communities.

In every partnership, we have been blown away by an extraordinary devotion to mission even – and perhaps especially – in the darkest of times. Thank you for everything you do. We will see these challenges through – together.

Best wishes,
Joe Neri

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